Week 5 (02.20 to 02.26)

I officially crossed the one-month mark and I’m happy with it. I’ve already established some systems that work quite well and make my learning schedule sustainable. I definitely feel that I’m making progress and this is essential. It’s too easy at times to be too caught up in the details that I forget to take a step back and look at what I’ve accomplished in these past few weeks. Gratitude.

In 2 days, we’re gonna get into March and I’m about to start JavaScript. I’ve yet to finish the Bootstrap section on Udemy, and since it’s a large framework the section is quite long. I’m eager to start learning JavaScript again.

I’m also glad to say that I completed the CSS sections on The Odin Project too and beginning the JavaScript section. The Landing Page project is a good exercise, and although I reproduced the result they generated, I’m thinking that I should customize it more to my liking. Actually, I think that I could make a landing page about my photography profile. I’d have to manipulate images, I could change colors, etc.

A frenetic week

I reckon though that, although I finished most of the weekly goals I set, I’ve been so caught up with other endeavors in my personal life that I didn’t really sit down for long sessions to study.

First, this was supposed to be the week where I would finish the Coursera MOOC about learning and I haven’t watched a single video of it.

Secondly, I wanted to gradually complete the FreeCodeCamp projects but I actually went through the Typography project at once, and I’m not done with the Accessibility project yet. And my February goal was to complete the Tribute Page project. Well… I’ll see how far I’ll get.

Third, I was supposed to finish the Bootstrap section on the Udemy course, and I didn’t. At least, today (Feb. 27th) I’m almost done going through it.

So I definitely fell behind my schedule, but it’s not like I abandoned it. Just I need to get back on track.

What I learned

I’m extremely close to starting to learn JavaScript. I’m basically done with learning CSS, and I finished the assignments in the different courses and I feel ready to tackle the actual web programming.

I completed the Landing Page project from the Odin Project which heavily relied on Flexbox and I feel like I’m well-acquainted with the topic now. Thanks to the Typography and Accessibility projects on FreeCodeCamp, although the latter isn’t yet finished, I understand the meaning behind accessibility (basically for screen readers). I haven’t learned new stuff but I was still manipulating CSS so it’s good practice.

I definitely learned new concepts when it comes to accessibility and new HTML attributes, and it’s important to keep them in mind when designing web pages.

Going into March 2023

It’s the end of the month and that means new monthly goals that I’ll describe in the coming post.

In retrospect, I learned a lot of CSS, and besides web development, I also kept learning a bit more about Git and GitHub. Understanding repos and the different commands. I’m getting used to it and that feels good.

I’m really stepping it up in the upcoming month, although I’ll have a very busy and stressful month ahead with personal stuff. I’m unsure how I’ll manage my study but the idea is simply to make progress and see how far I’ll have come compared to the beginning of the month.

I can confidently say that at the beginning of February, I barely knew about CSS, Flexbox and responsive design. And know I can say that I understand the underlying concepts and that with enough time and a clear vision, I can use CSS to achieve the desired results.

So I’m excited and nervous about March, still feel very proud of achieving 5 weeks of continuous learning, albeit a bit inconsistent lately. I’ll reach 9 weeks at the end of March, I’m looking forward to seeing how much progress I’ll be making in 4 weeks.

If my story inspires you, let me know by leaving a comment below. See you in the next post.