Week 6 (02.27 to 03.05)

This week, I fell behind a lot of my tasks but I still managed to make some progress. It’s week 6 and frankly, it’s getting a bit tougher day by day. Motivation has faded, and I’m not making as quick of a progress as I’d like.

Still, I made some progress.

Getting to know JavaScript (again)

I have prior experience with programming languages. I went through 1/3 of the Udemy bootcamp in the past and I already know a bit of JavaScript, while getting into it.

But I want my learning to be thorough so I still went through the basics of the language, on both Udemy and The Odin Project.

So far, I had the time to go through the first part of JavaScript fundamentals on The Odin Project where I learned about how to declare variables and the primitive types. It was the same for the Udemy bootcamp.

Trouble with scheduling

Same as last week, I didn’t do what I planned on doing in time. As I’m also searching for a job at the same time, with a lot of interviews set up for the coming week, I needed to prepare.

With the job search going on, a lot of events and serious things going on in my personal life, I had trouble sticking to actual planned studying times.

Nonetheless, as I said at the beginning of this post, I made some progress.

Pomodoro helps me tremendously

To help me study and get into a groove, I use Pomodoro. My experience has been that I always tend to resist when it comes to (re)learning concepts, and studying in general. But once I launch a Pomodoro, if I stay focused during these 25 minutes, I realize that I can keep going.

For instance, when I was reading through the JavaScript Fundamentals lessons on The Odin Project, I realized they’re quite long and it’d take me quite some time to get through it. I was slightly overwhelmed.

But using Pomodoro, and breaking down my learning into 25-minute chunks separated by 5-minute breaks, I could go through the lessons quicker than I expected and still retain the knowledge I’d just read.

I’d have the exact same experience when being on Udemy.

Pomodoro is immensely helpful, especially when focusing on the process. However, I know if I’m dealing with a personal project, I can use Pomodoro, but I’m so focused (and usually get into a flow state) that I don’t even take breaks and feel hyper productive.

Anyway, week 7 is ahead, and I’ve got some study planning to do. What’s ahead is more JavaScript to be honest, no frameworks yet, and probably some projects.

I’ll also have to catch up on projects I didn’t complete on week 6, but that’s the way things are. I cannot go back into the past. I’ll catch up eventually and keep going with my learning.

If my story inspires you, please follow me on GitHub and stay tuned for more updates about my journey on becoming a full-stack web developer. See you in the next post.