On this day, May 24, 2023, I completed a milestone in my Web Development learning. Although I promised myself last month that I would prioritize my Udemy bootcamp over the other two resources, I still find myself juggling between all three.

The Udemy bootcamp is delving into back-end development right now, but I don’t feel like I’ve learnt enough front-end yet. For instance, there’s no section on learning a front-end framework such as React (which is the most popular JavaScript front-end framework as of late). However, it’s mentioned in The Odin Project and freeCodeCamp.

So these past few days, I’ve spent some hours getting to complete the Foundations course on The Odin Project. I’m proud to have finished it, and it actually took me about 5 months.

I really enjoyed learning new concepts in that course, as it relies quite frequently on external resources for us to study. And there are a lot of projects interspersed between the lessons. Although there’s some guidance, it’s not like a code along but you get some hints as to how you may accomplish something but the implementation is your own. That’s Hands-on learning and I enjoyed it very much.

Because I finished it, I now have to choose the next path, either going the Ruby route with Ruby On Rails, or JavaScript route with Express, NodeJS, React and other popular new frameworks.

I chose the JavaScript as there’s a high-demand of such developers and as I’ve already learnt some JavaScript during the Foundations, I wouldn’t be hold back by learning another programming language (even though it would be simply learning another syntax).

So I’m looking forward to learning more using The Odin Project, and try to match the timelines of all three resources so that I can learn web development in depth.